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Major notice concerning T&C’s in Bulletins below updated: 8/10/2024.

Standing notice: Please, if you can, avoid contacting us with gmail.


Welcome to

A business of BM&S Imports, New Zealand

Operating since 1988; A registered NZ company since 1994

Kerry James Goodhew – Owner / Manager


Since 1995 on the launch of the world’s first small hand-held lactate test meter we have been FIRST in NZ to supply you with the best

You too can be FIRST with lactate test product from BM&S – !


Updated LP “2” model, now 12th year hands-down a winner for NZ winners!


A hand holding a device

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Arkray – LactatePro 2

# 1 NZ since 2012 new model launch: Find out why, get one!


Important Notices:


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Permanent notice: Please do not use google GMAIL to contact us.

Since early 2023 they have been a curse! Long explanation in ARCHIVED notices below!

Options: Go to MS Edge and create an Outlook account or if you cannot manage that you need contact us through my personal email:



Monday, 7th October 2024.



BM&S Imports –

Arkray LactatePro2




Purchaser and User T&C’s

First edition: Monday 7th October 2024


These terms and conditions are “new” since for 26 years we had not considered that we needed them. A recent event has changed our mind.


First, a brief on the incomparable perfect track-record of faultless production quality of Arkray LactatePro2 (LP2) of Japan and our Distribution to users here in New Zealand.


LP2 Meters and test strips (sensors) imported and sold to users in NZ have been 100% faultless for 26 years.


In this over Ľ Century we have had about half dozen claims on Meters and about same number on test strips. The faults all came under user damaged or incorrect user method, not following the instructions. E.g. User dropped Meter in muddy creek water, only admitting this to us after we went to the trouble of having the lab in Japan analyse this. And, leaving strips in car on hot summer day “cooking” them.  


In the early days we trialled 3 other brands with none of them standing up to LP2 reliability or the multiple business requirements of importing and supply. We’ve seen several other brands come and go. LP2 with a perfect record has been too hard to beat and it was not so much our decision in early days but the preference of NZ users that decided LP2 supremacy for us!


Obviously with such a stela unbeatable record (cannot beat 100%!) we want to ensure LP2 reputation continues. These T&Cs set out our position and requirements with purchasers and users with respect to natural and expected “transfer of care and responsibility”.


In a nutshell, in NZ faulty LP2 from manufacturing error and supply just DOES NOT HAPPEN.


1.      If you are obtaining unexpected or clearly erroneous measures, then first consider LP2’s perfect 26-year track-record. Look to errors in your own sampling method. After 30 years since launch of the very first brand of handheld portable lactate meter, this writer in getting an out-of-order measure, still looks to where he has stuffed up in taking the blood sample or mishandling the test strip etc. It is easy to botch at least one in an assessment and is simply resolved by expecting to do basic-science “repeated measure” of any load step you are on. (Except of course not much fun paces beyond Threshold, but those paces above arguably not so important).


2.      Take great care of your Meter adhering strictly to all use and care instructions. Your Meter is a precision instrument and very sensitive. Just one of half a dozen different failures in care that we have received back here was a user destroyed their Meter by dropping blood directly into the test-strip port. Iron in the blood “attacked” the rare mineral electrodes. It is unrepairable!  We had to send this all the way back to Tokyo technical lab to have this proven and exonerate Arkray product from the allegation of faulty manufacture. Warranty replacement claim NOT upheld.



((Terms to come: Work in progress!))




Monday, 7th October 2024.



We are closed and away:


Before the long Labour Weekend Monday (28th October) we are…


… away from and including Thursday 24th October back to office for you 9 am Tuesday 9th October.  






Updated: Friday, 1st August 2024.



Important Announcements


This NZ Arkray LactatePro2 Distributorship FOR SALE:


“All good things come to an end”


After 36 years owner wants to retire.


This product-distributorship is a good one to add to an established business. The nature of its customer-base demand has it largely unimpacted by this recession (or the one before, the GFC!). It is therefore rare, and ideal to keep you going while other channels of your business may falter.


Expressions of interest to KJ Goodhew:








Go to old notices: Archiveclick!



Scroll below for today’s latest

“lactate testing tidbit”


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Lactate testing tidbits…



Wednesday, 13th March 2024.



Lactate Testing Tidbits:


1.   Tips for first time users:

Ř We have more demand from self-testing athletes than ever.  This is great for the athlete’s career and us, however we do have some reservations. The method requires practise to achieve skill and precision in technique of blood sampling. And then, sensible interpretation.

It is like learning to drive a car: At first it is stressful and too many things to think about. After years of practise the method and rules and safety monitoring of a dangerous 100km/hour metal-can on rubber becomes more automatic, more accurate, safer!

Until your lactate testing method is honed errors in measurement are likely to creep in.

We recommend that before deciding to buy and DIY you first get tested by a professional so that you can observe method and be sure of your accurate baseline. The benefit of hiring an expert is that you then get qualified interpretation of all points along your results (graph!).

You can find professional providers on our opt in list. Look for link top left of this page or manually scroll way-down.

If you then decide to go it alone with your own Meter, when you first get it, just sit at the kitchen table and use up Ľ packet of strips to try and get the exact same Resting Lactate Value each time. Read the instruction sheet over-and-over to iron out errors.

The quality of Arkray Lactate Pro and then Pro2 from 26 years ago has been impeccable.  We have had no Meters or strips faulty from manufacture. In all these years we have only had half-dozen Meters returned faulty to find they were all user damaged. e.g. “Meter dropped in muddy-water creek, not working when dried out!”.  Faulty strips were finally admitted to have been kept in an overheated car in the middle of summer!

From this stand-out quality record our default response to claims the Meter is not giving accurate results is to suggest an examination of the user’s method / technique.


Happy testing!  😉


Find out more:


2.  Tidbit # 2:

An athlete’s project to close on 14:30 for 5k from a base of 14:54 using LP2 guidance: A champion Norwegian brothers method! Starring Sibren Lochs

On YouTube: Click on image!









Tuesday, 12th May 2020


HR / Lactate Table for Training Intensity Levels


It has always astonished me how regimentally arithmetic (but therefore highly prescriptive) the classic table of steps are of HR per step in lactate. E.g. Look at column PR/L4 and HR 140 right down to 170, the difference between PR/L2.0 and PR/L2.5 is just 2, sometimes 3, beats per minute increase whatever HR at Threshold. Compare the top row PR/L4 at HR 140 to row five down (145!) where each lactate step HR is 5 beats above the top row (except PR/L1!


Maybe your testing has found an athlete to show something contrary to this regimentation, I would be keen to know?


This simple table can also help your actual practise of lactate testing to ensure your procedure is good and your results viable.  If any measure is too far out of trend, consider throwing it out and re-test paying more attention to your technique.



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“Training Lactate Pulse-rate” by Peter GJM Janssen. 1987, page 66.






Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Another “pearl” from my longtime favourite Janssen …


The advantageous pace-shift, efficiency, and endurance time that comes with improved metabolism of fat for energy from untrained to trained condition.


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Once trained a person can perform upto 80% of their maximum performance capacity utilising fats for fuel which means they perform at a much faster pace for a longer time, while preserving carbohydrate stores, lasting much longer than when fueling beyond their fat metabolism max. pace that uses up primarily carbohydrate stores relatively quickly (being just around 90 minutes at lactate threshold) !


“Training Lactate Pulse-rate” by Peter GJM Janssen. 1987, page 16.





Monday, December 2, 2019


Individual example: The primary purpose of training, to improve one’s power “bandwidth”, is demonstrated by the much greater range from one’s lowered resting heart rate to a much higher HR lactate threshold deflection point.


This human adaptability (change in performance potential) is dramatically demonstrated in this (graph) of a 20 year old’s improvement before and after a training period.


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The max. HR does not change, no “improvement” to be found there!


You can see that when Threshold was at 130, after training this point of work, speed, or duration limitation will be akin to “jogging”, being a new very extensive tolerance to duration of activity at that pace-HR.  Previously 130 HR would have been entirely carbohydrate (glycogen) burning, strictly performance duration limiting when untrained, lucky to last an hour let alone 90 minutes, the latter being a typical athletic exhaustion time of carbo substrate at Threshold.


After training, this individual at 130 HR is now likely primarily fat-burning, moving at same or faster speed, but can go on theoretically for hours!







Tuesday, November 12, 2019


“Marius” on getting it right: What lactate testing is all about


“Earlier studies done by Frank Evertsen and the renowned physiologist Saltin showed that the dominating Kenyans did much of their training right below their Lactate Threshold (LT – right when you start to accumulate lactic acid) as compared with Scandinavians who trained either too easy or too hard with little “feel” for how hard they were running.” 


-          Marius Bakken, Norway, March 2000.


There is plenty of considerable value on Marius’ wordpress page:


A person running on a track

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– Bislett Games 2001 // 13.09 5000 –


Personal bests

800 m 1.51.19 (Oslo 97)

1500 m 3.38.86 (Rieti 05)

2000 m 5.01.46 (Florř 03)

3000 m 7.40.47 (Brussels 01)

5000 m 13.06.39 (Rome 04)

10000 m 28.26.x (Lisbon 00)

10000 road 28.26 (Oslo 00)


Championship participation

§  Olympic Games 2000/2004

§  World Championships 99/01/05

§  European Championships 02/06

§  European U23 99, European Juniors 97

§  9th place World Championships 01

§  12th place World Championships 05

§  Silver medal European U23 99



Marius has a “100 day Marathon Plan” designed for “anybody” here:


It has 15 instructional videos, 10 additional videos, and 120 content packed pages!


It is …


“Structured so it is easy to customize for any runner – regardless age, gender, speed, or skill”







Thursday, 16th May 2019


A Shorty Clark story…

A person running in a triathlon

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…(Shorty) is all concentration on his way to winning his local Taranaki triathlon several years ago.


For a dose of motivation whatever your chosen sport go here…

Click: Shorty!



Friday, 8th December 2017



Rowing again!


Again, apology for my sport bias but it is the one I am most familiar with from my youth and the principles are applicable to many sports!


“Power-2-Weight”:  PART ONE


When I came out of Phys Ed School in ‘83 I went back to rowing a couple years later to experiment on myself with what I’d learnt.  On arriving, University “Easter Tourney” rowing was not what it is today, feeling it mickey-mouse, so I didn’t bother with it for 4 years, proving costly when trying to get “back on the oar” with any kind of representative ambitions.  Was a so-called adult student going in, coming back to career hunting and rowing at 26.


I became increasingly fascinated with the concept of Power-to-Weight as a determinant of performance.  Soundly frequently defeated by about half a dozen of the countries top Light-weights (<72.5 kg), being only a “medium-weight” myself with a best racing (and health) weight of about 82kg, I had to also contend with about a dozen ahead of me in the Heavy-weight Single Scull category.  Did okay with placings in Intermediate and Senior events.


Noticed improved condition through a Season coincided with becoming very trim with reduced weight (from around an off-season 88kg, back in the day when there was such as off-season!).  Was performance improvement just a factor of improved cardio-vascular function or, and, if both, was it about carrying less weight? … which had the most impact?


Then there was the phenomenon of Philippa Baker and Brenda Lawson “pocket rockets” who for years annihilated any truly heavy weight women at the NZ Champs and won individual world titles in Light Weight and Under 23 respectively, and then took on the world together reigning for several years in the Double Sculls.


It was their performance that inspired me to create a power-to-weight performance table that gave predictive on-water single scull times … (requested data for only on “even” courses, meaning no tail-wind or current) … which was taken from one’s bodyweight and 2000m Ergometer score.  I put a survey to NZ’s top rowers who kindly allowed use of their data (which could not personally identify them anyway) and using mine and other modest performers the spread on the table from average to superior was completed. It was developed on old Concept2 B Models. I suspect the algorithm has changed somewhat from those days so that for such a performance predictive table to be used today it would need to be re-done for today’s “E” model and superior technology in faster carbon-fibre skiffs. We were only just transitioning from wooden oars in my-day!


The impressive German immigrant Herman Krutzman residing in Cambridge, himself an accomplished sport scientist, Olympic level coach, and builder of skiffs branded in his own name, Krutzman, was an incredible source of additional “real” education for this “newbie” in hydrodynamics revealing the massive increase in resistance (additional force required from what is a modest “biological engine”) for the increased surface area of a skiff due to increased weight.


If a variety of people today sent me their best Single race time (again, even conditions only), with their Erg 2K PB, and their bodyweight for their on-water performance I could modernize this predictive table.  I have used it for good motivational effect when I was coaching about 20 years ago!


If you want the old table as it is, I will see if I can dig it out, drop me an email, or if you have a collection of old NZ Rowing mags it appeared there around the late ‘80’s (think it was!).


Then there was the spectator confusing sensational Cohen and Sullivan, multi-World and 2012 Olympic Double Scull Champions, medium-weights and average height (just like me!) that resumed an interest in this Power-2-Weight thesis.  When they stood on the dais against those they had defeated they appeared “little guys” at around 6 foot!  They also paced their races in a style which was uncommon (subject for another “lactate tidbit” article one day!). They would appear to sit modestly in the field to finish over the last 500m with a blistering sprint that put fans on the edge of seats, exhilarating, as they carved through the field.


This “Power-2-Weight” subject had its original roots way back to a particular graph in the now classic undergrad “Textbook of Work Physiology” by the legends Astrand and Rodahl (2nd Ed, 1977) that lends to this (above) “story” to this day. 


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Traditional graphs of VO2max show that the heavier you are the greater likelihood that you have the highest VO2max. However, if you put a spread of people from those with light bodyweight and relatively low VO2max against heavier people with higher VO2max you do not necessarily have a predictor of performance in times, or across a finish line, in cycling, running, or on water events!


However!  The lower graph shows you that you do have a predictor of performance if you correct for bodyweight by a function of its -2/3.


This means that instead of the all too common standard expressions of simple litres per minute VO2max or milliliters per minute per kilogram, use milliliters per minute per kilogram to -2/3.


Simply, it evens out (or accounts) for the effect of bodyweight on VO2max leaving you an assessment of just who has the better VO2max irrespective bodyweight!


Why this third formulation is not used as one standard in High Performance sport I have no idea, maybe someone can tell me. (Maybe I’ve been away from ivory towers too long!  ;-) It has only been around as a clearer predictor than straight VO2max or milliliters per kilogram since the leading-light sport scientists of the ‘60’s!  Sure, Lactate Threshold is a better “fitness” indicator, but VO2max assessment still has the place for predicting the ultimate performance capacity and international competitive potential (rank) of an individual.


So what practically is the value of all this long commentary for you? How do you use this to improve performance?


That is the subject for Part Two! 


Will try and get onto this before or over the Xmas break.  If you don’t hear from me before, or I you, YOU HAVE A GREAT XMAS!






KJ & ER Goodhew

BM&S Imports –  






Thursday, 28th September 2017






Please excuse this writer’s bias …an old rower!


NZ Rowing has hard-worked its way to one of, if not “the” most spectacular result winning status of any sport in Aotearoa. It amazed me the flagellation after the Olympics. To me what I saw was all this young talent coming on with the Men’s 8 “up there” just 7 seconds off Gold ….and the Women, “my god” I said …the women coming 4th, just 4 seconds off the winner USA. 


If each one of that crew has just improved their condition, on average through the crew, to delay lactate accumulation at wattage (power) or speed giving a 4 seconds improvement, then we have not just the possibility of a medal but gold.


Even though I spent most of my years with preference in small boats, the prospect of little ol’ NZ crashing the party in the Big Boats again after all these years has this old-oar excited beyond what any (non-rowers) could believe.


Kia kaha NZ Rowing!



A group of women rowing a boat

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The women's eight crew in action in Florida Photo credit: Getty



Tuesday, 24th January 2017




Lactate testing and illness or over-training syndrome.


In 1995 for the first time having on-hand a small portable lactate testing device there was an explosion of thoughts and enquiries on what else lactate testing could tell us apart from basic determination of “performance at lactate threshold”. 


I have forgotten who wrote that mood turns dark a day to several days before an athlete physiologically plummets into serious overtraining syndrome and performance capacity reversal, which as we all know, the arresting of such performance collapse often cannot be halted and can just carry on getting worse!.


I still wonder how many coaches and trainers are mercilessly and uselessly thrashing athletes into poor performances?


One approach to mitigating this was exemplified by Rushall and Pyke in “Training for Sports and Fitness”, 1990, have athletes fill out a “Daily Analysis of Life Demands”, which provide a “window” into the state of the athlete.


From 1995 I tested myself (relatively young compared to now!) and several others under the duress of severe training demands walking the tight-rope of gain or collapse as everybody felt they must do:


A simple submax protocol was used:  20 minute easy warmup followed by 5 or 10 minutes at a relatively easy below La threshold pace and lactate sample.  If all was well the HR and La at set pace would stay the same over a week or so, and then as weeks went by reveal state of the athlete in either of 3 ways: 

1.  HR and La stay the same at set pace, or …

2.  … they drop, hinting an improvement in functional capacity, or …

3.  … if things are either about to go bad or have gone bad for the athlete the HR and La are higher than usual for set effort.


The lactate sampling submax test could be done weekly and does not stress and strain an athlete, it can become just part of a training session! 


A simpler HR version of this (without La test) can be done everyday! …to confirm the kind of work the athlete is up for that day.


You do not have to thrash athletes with all-out tests to reveal that their capacities are on the improve, or in jeopardy, or that they have stalled, hinting at it being time to review the work programme due to stagnant adaptation, or the athlete just drifting without purpose !


An unexpectedly raised HR and La at submax can indicate another matter of concern that competes with training adaptation and that is energy for the immune system:  Our lactate meters are used in veterinary clinics and A&E dept’s for sepsis screening:  Infection raises your lactate level:  A resting reading at or above what would be your Work Threshold would be of concern!


However also, I have found some sport supplements will (strangely!) raise your lactate level above what you would expect from having been resting!  I have not looked for research into what you eat as negatively affecting lactate, work capacity at La.4.  If there is still nothing on this since I looked in 1995 there is an opportunity for a student!


Just some observations!  Hope you like and will look into it further for yourself, to build on this!


KJ Goodhew.




Monday, 4th April 2016.




A simple correlative observation on the success of NZ Olympic sports that use (or do not use) lactate testing.


Since first introducing convenient small portable (hand-held) lactate testing to NZ sport in 1995 I’ve noticed that the sport codes that involve a significant endurance component, who have used our lactate testing product the most over the past 21 years, have been the most successful. 


Those that buy the most lactate testing strips are hands-down unquestionably our most successful sports.  Other endurance sports who one might think would use lactate testing to be more successful are not successful.


Just a simple observation!


KJ Goodhew.





Friday, 18th December 2015.



Maintaining Nose Breathing

and Lactate Threshold

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In 1994 I came across this book by Douillard, intrigued not the least reason since it mirrored my business’s name.


In it was his thesis on the great benefits of nose-breathing over the all too common mouth-breathing during exercise, or worst of all open-mouth breathing as normal while inactive.


It was not something I had thought about but subsequently realised that I was a somewhat good nose-breather during moderate exercise.


From this point on I insisted upon it with myself and after the period of adaptation to it, receiving clear benefits, advised everybody who came through my door to convert to it also.


It varies between 3 weeks to 3 months for people to adapt to strict adherence. Douillard’s thesis is that your physiology is changed.  I thought that lactate testing should show up some of this adaptive process.


I experimented with it in self-training for Masters Rowing and did pretty good with results, avoiding the frequent over-training of younger years, generating the not too uncommon thoughts in one’s accumulated years of “what if I knew then what I know now?”  C’est la vie!


From long memory looking back, self-experimentation with this gave equally intriguing lactate results.


1.  In the beginning of trying this, the upper-end of maintaining nose-breathing was a very modest pace, along with expected Heart Rate.  (Many clients had to cut back to almost a fast-walk and could barely handle staying with it. A lot of them arguing against it!) Lactate at “nose-threshold” in myself then was only about 2.5 to 3 mmol.  Above this intensity I would burst into old-habit mouth-breathing.


2.  As the weeks went by HR at pace dropped and lactate went to about 3.5 mmol at max. nose-breathing with an increased pace at this.  The HR drop at pace was not due to any increase or other factors of altered training over that year or any other years.  That is, I had not really had a drop in HR at set paces for similar amount and level of conditioning in decades!


3.  After many years from 1994 “living” this way, the last surprise result was that I could maintain nose-breathing (with some will - effort) at a pace-HR that equated to 4 mmol Threshold. That was some years ago now and I remember thinking that I felt I could probably taken it up to maintain nose-breathing at just above Threshold, say 5 mmol.  Have not to this day verified if that is possible.


So, there is an experimental idea for a post-grad thesis!


There is a lot more to this but can’t put a book here!



All the best to you for Xmas


KJ & ER Goodhew.






Wednesday, 4th November 2015.



A relatively small amount of what is initially high intensity tolerance work repeated daily with a largely untrained individual has a dramatic adaptive effect on improved tolerance to that work as measured by lactate response.

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Referring to the left hand graph, there is as said for the “tidbit” below (last week), so much in this.  Edwards (1939) is another giant in early Exercise Physiology that the profession is built on today.


“Fast forward”: Being the original importer-distributor of small hand-held lactate testing meters in 1995, the “Accusport” by Boehringer-Manheim, we wanted to gather as much broad information as possible on the possible varieties of use and benefits of such easy technology. In those days we offered the “BM&S Clinic” for personal training in any sport code, individual or team, and a specialised weight-loss service.  Memory from those days is that successes with people in weight-loss were at least if not more gratifying than successes with athletes!


One client’s success that stands above all was a 136kg woman who had “tried everything” to lose weight and despaired.  Included with “everything” were gyms and personal trainers:  Their approach was to “thrash” and basically hurt her with relentless high intensity sessions that were unpleasant.  An objective “professional” approach in weight-loss exercise prescription simply was not there in those days. (Being away from involvement in such services for about 12 years I have not really looked closely at the state of the efficacy of the “weight-loss game” today!)


What did we do then that was different? We lactate tested everybody who came through our door whether their goal was prospective Olympian, beginner runner wanting to do first marathon, weight-loss, triple by-pass cardiac rehab, wanting to look good for her wedding, a horse, …and even the postman! True!


When my favourite client story first came through the door she was scared of exercise. I told her that she would lose weight with walking at correct intensity and that it would be easy compared to what she had done and that we would work it out by testing her blood to make sure the exercise is not at unpleasant and unnecessary high intensity which puts damaging acid into your blood and through your body. That is, putting things into simple terms without off-putting sport science jargon.


As a prelim., with HR monitor on we set off up the road which leads to Frasers Gully about 2.4 km in length with a more challenging slope in its last Ľ, but which is in the most part a barely perceivable gradual slope to find that she could not walk around 100m without bursting into rapid mouth breathing and appearing bothered.  Next time I conducted a necessarily “off-the-cuff” modified lactate assessment protocol just to find where her 4 to 5 mmol HR intensity was.


Several times per week we met to do Frasers Gully interval style whereby as soon as her HR climbed above her original 5mmol HR we would stop, let it drop for a minute or two and then on until the alarm called for the next stop.  


At the end of just one month my 136kg client who had lost about 6kg walked to the top of the gully without one stop or alarm of high HR.  Her blood pressure, borderline before, was now normal.


She told me she was “…amazed how easy and pleasant the exercise intensity was…” for her to achieve so much.


The graph on the left in today’s copy & paste reminded me of the mechanism of this favourite client success.





Friday, 23rd October 2015. :  FYI:  If you thought I was talking crazier than usual, some kind of load-up error occurred where the wrong table appeared! Corrected 25/1/2017



Classic tabulated data on responses to various brief training impulse/recovery cycles from the now classic eponymous text by Astrand and Rodahl, “Textbook of Work Physiology”.


Yes! I still have my copy from undergrad days!  In it is this referenced original study by Christensen et al, 1960!


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I’ve added to the right an approx. conversion of mg/100ml to mMol.


There is so much that can be taken from this table that I cannot really get into too much here since having looked at it and making use of it in training individuals years ago.  In past days “in da game” I got a reputation for taking what people perceived as quite ordinary ranked athletes to a level unexpected.  One day watching an athlete come in a spectator said to me, “…how is that possible”? I was young then, saying somewhat flippantly, “training secrets”. This was later not taken well being accused of offering unfair advantage to the athlete over others in the club who were expected to dominate in a predicted procession of race positions. Envy amongst coaches in NZ sport is a not uncommon terrible thing; I did not last long in that club!


Anyway!  How did I use this table? The issue for the average athlete is that they have average aerobic capacity, average VO2max, and come up against gifted athletes with lungs and heart of a horse. What is one to do?  We know VO2 is trainable to a significant degree, but more so is % VO2 that AT kicks off a rapid lactate accumulation as determinant of endurance performance.  All we can do is optimize the average athlete’s VO2 and then shift their “threshold” as close as possible toward their VO2max.  (…plus effective race strategy, work on motivation, psychology, and structural soundness – anatomy – for freedom from potential to injury. The latter most important since however you do it, VO2max pace work is high stress work. I don’t advocate you do any of this with a beginner!) 


We also know that anaerobic-lactate work destroys aerobic enzymes for upto several days and opens one up to illness (immune compromise).  You can see from the table that doing VO2max pace continuously for 4 minutes takes lactate to 16.7 mMol and therefore aerobic enzymes destroyed. This is not suitable training!  Coaches who over max test or over-race their athletes in this form are simply stuffing them up!


You can see for an already fairly well trained athlete work/rest intervals of 10:5 and 15:10 elicit too high lactate response, destroying aerobic capacity for subsequent days. 


You can see the best strategy to elicit a near maximum VO2 of 5.3 with a lactate response equivalent to “going for a jog” is 15:15.


Experiment with this and during it wack in a lactate test or two to determine your athlete’s individual response to this regimen.


I can assure you this works a treat. I self-tested (when I was young with “OCD” for discerning “secrets”) and used it on numerous athletes to raise them up quickly.  If you schedule it weekly use their mood to decide whether to stick with it religiously as per schedule or not.





Go to Archive of Lactate testing “tidbits”: Click!

Link will be live soon!



Do you have a story for us, maybe research you are doing? We love to hear and share your stories.






Comparing the old with the new!





*New* (2012)

A hand holding a device

Description automatically generated with low confidence


Validated for…


Ř  Recreational sport

Ř  Sport Science/Medicine

Ř  Olympic sport teams

Ř  Laboratory / Research

Ř  Personal or Team Trainer/Coach use

Ř  Personal use

Ř  Weight-loss and health prescription (Green prescription)

Ř  A&E - Sepsis screening

Ř  Veterinary Services


ü  Now faster, takes just 15 sec’s

ü  Much smaller sample required

ü  Self-calibrating

ü  Cable & Software available, connectivity to PC.



LP (1)

“The original” (1998)

A hand holding a device

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

- Oldie but a goodie!


Validated for…

Ř  Child-birth – foetal hypoxia screening – Maternity Wards NZ DHB’s

Ř  A&E - Sepsis screening

Ř  Veterinary Services

Ř  Equine training

Ř  Laboratory / Research

Ř  Sport; Sport Science/Medicine; Personal or Team Trainer/Coach; Olympic sport teams

Ř  Weight-loss and health prescription (Green prescription)

Ř  Personal use


NB: Currently LP (1) test strips remain available until further product development!







Go to… (directory!)

take a look at full-range of NZ’s top-selling, top-quality, scales, health and fitness products

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling InnerScan Bathroom scale

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling standard Bathroom scale

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling Kitchen scale

take a look here at NZ’s most sophisticated but simple to use personal health & fitness promoting scale, the RD-953 Supreme

You are here!

take a look here at a variety of great products, mostly NZ-made

take a look here at articles, our news and announcements including exceptional offers: You could WIN what you want just by “liking” our page!











Wednesday, 19th February 2014

Shorty Clark…

A person running in a triathlon

Description automatically generated with low confidence

…is all concentration on his way to winning Taranaki Triathlon several years ago…

…uses LP2 to good effect.

Approximately 12 months ago (2012) I started using my Lactate Pro 2 Meter for Training and Racing purposes. Used another brand before that and previous to this I relied heavily upon Heart-rate Monitors and “subjective feel” data to ascertain my performances and success/failures.


The most crucial benefit I find is that it allows me to train and race way more precisely and accurately. It gives me the added advantage of knowing how to increase my Lactate Tolerances when in heavy/extended sessions or even when doing a recovery type mode work-out. I can therefore correlate my Heart-rate a lot closer to my Lactate Thresholds, thus allowing me to race smarter, quicker, efficiently and faster.


When racing, it’s critical not to start at to higher Heart-rate and Lactate level, as this generates into fatigue, poor performance and the inevitable bonking. By measuring and testing your Lactate levels in training, you are then able to maximise your performance and results, come race day. It’s such a valuable and necessary tool in my training and racing programme, that without it, I would be always wondering and 2nd guessing at why my performances were not at their highest level. One thing that is for sure – Blood Lactate levels DO NOT lie!!, even though you may think and feel differently.


The Lactate Pro 2 gives you that complete and 100% answer in how to improve your training speeds, conditions, results and performances, via the easy and simple testing methods, plus the added benefits of being simple to test, quick on results, with accuracy and lightweight to use/carry.


I thoroughly recommend the Lactate Pro2 Meter as the best, overall piece of training equipment that has lifted my performances, and allowed me to compete at my top potential. As a serious Age Group Triathlete, the Lactate Pro 2 has given me an added advantage to optimise my full athletic potential, and permits me to train / race in the best possible shape and condition.


Shorty CLARK.

Mens 60 - 64 Age Group, Tri New Zealand.









Arkray Website News Release




The smallest meter in its class just got easier to use. Even better performance for ARKRAY’s card-sized blood lactate measurement device

ARKRAY, Inc. (Headquarters: Kyoto City, Nakagyo-ward), a manufacturer of sample test devices and in vitro diagnostic reagents is set to launch its new and simple blood lactate meter, the Lactate Pro™ 2 LT-1730 on 17 April. In its card size form, it is small enough to allow measurement anywhere and boasts increased performance for the rapid measurement of lactate.


Lactate in blood is an essential marker in the fields of sports physiology, sports science and training. The simple and rapid testing of lactate is a big benefit to both research and medicine.

To answer the needs of the market, ARKRAY released the Lactate Pro TM back in February 1997, which marked a significant reduction in size for blood lactate at the time. This new card sized device enabled simple measurement of lactate anywhere and helped to support clinical testing across many different settings.

ARKRAY is now set to release the simple blood lactate meter, the Lactate Pro™ 2 LT-1730 together with its compatible reagent/ measurement electrode, the Lactate Pro™ 2 Sensor. The measurement time has been cut by 75%* to just 15 seconds; the minimum sample volume reduced by over 90%* to just 0.3µL and the basic performance of the device improved significantly. The hassle associated with correction of reagent lots has been eliminated which also helps to reduce the risk from correction errors.

ARKRAY will continue to answer diverse testing needs in the market.

*In comparison to existing ARKRAY products:


A hand holding a device

Description automatically generated with low confidenceA picture containing text, screenshot, remote

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Lactate Pro™ 2 LT-1730                      Lactate Pro™ 2 Sensor


Main features of the Lactate Pro™ 2

●A simple blood lactate device, the smallest of its kind
Palm-sized for measurement in any environment: now you can measure lactate rapidly anywhere

●Minimum sample size: just 0.3µL
Development of a new reagent sensor: measurement possible with just 1/10th the volume previously needed

●Measurement time: 15 secs
On site measurement is possible using finger-stick blood: results are shown in just 15 seconds from application of blood to the sensor- one quarter the time needed for measurement with previous devices.

●No correction needed
No more hassle from correction of sensor lots (insertion of sensor chips before measurement): this also helps to reduce the risk from correction errors.

About lactate
Blood lactate is often used in the scientific training for endurance sports such as soccer, swimming and athletics. As the intensity of the exercise increases, so too does the concentration of lactate in the blood. By measuring this change, training can be configured to delay sharp rises in blood lactate.  (There are also Medical and Equine/Veterinary applications – KJG, BM&S Imports-NZ.)


Product features:


1. Name

Lactate Analyzer Lactate Pro™ 2 LT-1730

2. Release date

17 April 2012 (Tues.)

3. Specifications:


Sample type

Whole blood

Meas. items

Lactate in blood

Meas. principle

LOD enzyme electrode method

Meas. range

0.5-25.0mmol/L (5-225mg/dL)

Processing speed

15 sec/ sample

Min. sample vol.


Compatible reagents

Lactate Pro™ 2 Sensor (Electrode for measuring lactate in blood)

Data memory

330 measurements

Ext. output function


Correction method

No correction

Temp. correction

Auto-correction using internal temperature sensor

Meas. conditions

Temp: 5-40 C, Humidity 20-80% RH (No condensation)

Power source

3V lithium battery/ CR2032 X1

Outer dimensions

50mm(W) X 12mm(D) X 100mm(H)


Approx. 45g (Incl. batteries)


Product method

A picture containing text, screenshot, finger, watch

Description automatically generated







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“Get Tested!”

Looking for the most effective weight-loss or health & fitness prescription and advice?  Click



Since 1995 on the launch of the world’s first small hand held lactate test meter we have been FIRST in NZ to supply you with the best.

You too can be FIRST with lactate test product from BM&S!



Site Tips:


1.     TO FIND A LACTATE TEST SERVICE PROVIDOR in your city or town for weight-loss, health, fitness, or sport goals keep scrolling down or “click here” .

2.     To avoid the blurb and go straight down to view our list of products “click here” .



General Site Notices:


We are an independent importer-distributor.  No middle-man!  ...we import directly from the manufacturer.  Our prices offered to you are always at the lowest possible mark-up being wholesale direct rates, often equal to or BELOW the lowest price found anywhere in the world (ensuring correct exchange rate, shipping and GST have been accounted for!).  Even though our mark-up is small we do offer to split and share it with a number of businesses who are enthusiastic about lactate testing, who on-sell (retail) to their customers.

We supply...

Ř  GP’s and specialist Sports Medicine Dr’s

Ř  All the major DHB’s

Ř  Maternity / Obstetric Wards

Ř  Equine Centers, Trainers & Veterinarians

Ř  All the major University, Polytechnic, and College of Education Sport Science and Nutrition service provider & research dept’s.

Ř  NZ Academy Sport

Ř  All relevant NZ Olympic and other sport organisations (directly, or indirectly through NZAS)

Ř  Independent Coaches, Trainers, Sport Scientists.

Ř  Individual self-testing athletes, youth age through world masters age competitors

Ř  NZDF (Defence Forces)

Ř  Government research dept’s (e.g. Lactate testing of salmon!)





Go to… (directory!)

take a look at full-range of NZ’s top-selling, top-quality, scales, health and fitness products

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling InnerScan Bathroom scale

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling standard Bathroom scale

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling Kitchen scale

take a look here at NZ’s most sophisticated but simple to use personal health & fitness promoting scale, the RD-953 Supreme

You are here!

take a look here at a variety of great products, mostly NZ-made

take a look here at articles, our news and announcements including exceptional offers: You could WIN what you want just by “liking” our page!




Support Information



-          A&E

-          Green Prescription


Health & Fitness







-       A&E


1.                 This article posted here 26 Nov. 08 cited from HIV InSite, University of California, San Francisco.


Point-of-care lactate testing predicts mortality of severe sepsis in a predominantly HIV type 1-infected patient population in Uganda

UCSF Institute for Global Health Literature Digest
Published April 17, 2008

Journal Article
Moore CC, Jacob ST, Pinkerton R, Meya DB, Mayanja-Kizza, Reynolds SJ, et al.

Point-of-care lactate testing predicts mortality of severe sepsis in a predominantly HIV type 1-infected patient population in Uganda. Clin Infect Dis 2008 Jan 15; 46(2):215-22.

To evaluate the ability of a handheld portable whole-blood lactate (PWBL) analyzer to predict mortality in patients who are admitted to the hospital with severe sepsis.
Study Design
A prospective observational study.
An accident and emergency department of Mulago Hospital, a national referral hospital in Kampala, Uganda.
72 patients were enrolled in the study. Inclusion criteria were ≥18 years of age and admission to a medical ward, along with: 1. two or more systemic inflammatory response syndrome criteria (body temperature, >38°C or <36°C; heart rate, >90 beats/min; respiratory rate, >20 breaths/min; or peripheral WBC concentration, >12,000 cells/mm3 or <4000 cells/mm3; or thermodysregulation; 2. systolic blood pressure ≤100 mm Hg; and 3. a suspected infection. Exclusion criteria included acute cerebrovascular events, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, or admission to the surgical or obstetrics and gynecology ward.
There was no intervention in this study. This analysis was conducted among a subset of 253 patients recruited to study the incidence, management, and outcomes of sepsis. From this sample, the first and last 50 consecutively enrolled patients were recruited to determine the predictive value of PWBL in predicting mortality from sepsis. Background information - including age, sex, HIV-1 serostatus, and prescribed antiretroviral medicines (ARVs)-was recorded. At patient enrollment, temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure were measured. To determine outpatient survival, an attempt was made to telephone patients 30 days after their discharge from the hospital. A rapid HIV-1 test and malaria smear were performed at Mulago Hospital. A local private clinical laboratory provided results of lactate and bicarbonate analysis. PWBL was obtained using a lancet to collect a drop of whole blood from the patient's finger, for analysis by a handheld portable device. This instrument uses enzymatic determination and reflectance photometry of lactate in the plasma portion of whole blood using a measurement strip. Standard laboratory serum lactate (SLSL) concentration was obtained by phlebotomy for venous blood samples. Within 2 hours of sample collection, the sample was transported in a standard serum tube via a cooler to the clinical laboratory, where blood was centrifuged and serum was removed for use in the lactate assay.
Primary Outcomes
In-hospital mortality.
Information was available for 72 of the 100 enrolled subjects. The mean age of participants was 35.7, 61.1% were women, and 81.9% were HIV infected, with a mean CD4 lymphocyte count of 88.6 cells/ mm3. These 72 patients were similar to the larger study population in age (mean age, 35.7 vs. 33.8 years), sex (61.1% vs. 59.1% female), HIV-1 seropositivity (81.9% vs. 86.6%), and ARV status (13.9% vs. 10.6% ARVs prescribed). Fifty-nine (81.9%) of 72 evaluated patients were infected with HIV-1. The in-hospital mortality rate was 25.7% (18 of 70), and the in- and outpatient mortality at 30 days was 41.6% (30 of 72). PWBL was positively associated with in-hospital but not outpatient mortality (p <.001). The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) area under the curve for PWBL was 0.81 (p <.001). The optimal PWBL concentration for predicting in-hospital mortality (sensitivity, 88.3%; specificity, 71.2%) was ≥4.0 mmol/L. Patients with a PWBL concentration ≥4.0 mmol/L died while in the hospital substantially more often (50.0%) than did those with a PWBL concentration <4.0 mmol/L (7.5%) (odds ratio, 12.3; 95% confidence interval, 3.5-48.9; p <0.001). SLSL levels were lower among survivors than among deceased. The ROC under the curve for predicting in-hospital mortality was 0.72 (p=0.004). SLSL results were inconsistent and less predictive of mortality than were those of PWBL.
The authors conclude that PWBL testing can quickly identify patients who require immediate interventions,
 and it should be included in evaluation and treatment algorithms for septic patients. PWBL testing could be used in village health posts, for earlier transfer of septic patients to facilities with a higher level of care, and in referral hospitals, for triage of patients to acute care settings where appropriate resuscitation can begin.
In Context
Elevated lactate concentrations and poor clearance of lactic acid are known to increase mortality from severe sepsis. Lactate concentrations, combined with other laboratory measures, are used to guide early management of sepsis. Measurement of lactate concentration in developing countries is difficult because of limited resources. An effective, inexpensive method to measure lactate concentration without sophisticated laboratory resources has the potential to offer a method to identify patients in greatest need of rapid, aggressive treatment of sepsis.
Programmatic Implications
The use of the PWBL and its value in predicting mortality from sepsis in populations with high prevalence of HIV has potential to assist health care workers in resource limited settings in prioritizing these patients. Hospitalization, availability of support for potential multisystem failure, and rapid administration of antimicrobial agents can be delivered more urgently in persons with high lactate concentrations.




2.                 This article posted here 26 Nov. 08 cited from Lab Tests On-line.

Lactate Testing in Acute Assessement

What is being tested?
This test measures the amount of lactate in the blood or, more rarely, in the 
cerebrospinal fluid. Lactate is the ionic (electrically charged) form of lactic acid. It is produced by muscle cells, red blood cells, brain, and other tissues during anaerobic energy production and is usually present in low levels in the blood. Aerobic energy production is the body’s preferred process, but it requires an adequate supply of oxygen. Aerobic energy production occurs in the mitochondria, tiny power stations inside each cell of the body that use glucose and oxygen to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s primary source of energy.

When cellular oxygen levels are decreased, however, and/or the mitochondria are not functioning properly, the body must turn to less efficient anaerobic energy production to metabolize glucose and produce ATP. In this process, the primary byproduct is lactic acid, which can build up faster than the liver can break it down. When lactic acid levels increase significantly in the blood, the affected person is said to have first hyperlactatemia and then lactic acidosis (LA). The body can often compensate for the effects of hyperlactatemia, but LA can be severe enough to disrupt a person’s acid/base (pH) balance and cause symptoms such as muscular weakness, rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting, sweating, and even coma.

Lactic acidosis is separated into two types: A and B. Type A may be due to inadequate oxygen uptake in the lungs and/or to decreased blood flow (hypoperfusion) resulting in decreased transport of oxygen to the tissues. The most common reason for this is shock from a variety of causes including trauma and blood loss, but LA may also be due to conditions such as heart attackcongestive heart failure, and pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs). Type B is caused by conditions that increase the amount of lactate/lactic acid in the blood but are not related to a decreased availability of oxygen. This includes liver and kidney diseasediabetesleukemiaAIDSglycogen storage diseases (such as glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency), drugs and toxins, severe infections (both systemic sepsis and meningitis), and a variety of inherited metabolic and mitochondrial diseases (forms of muscular dystrophy that affect normal ATP production). Strenuous exercise can also result in increased blood levels of lactate.



Green Prescription


1.  Lactate Testing in General Practise

With the advent of the world’s first small hand-held lactate test meter launched in 1994 by Boehringer Mannheim, the use of lactate prescription for effective and objective “Green Prescription” was already well considered.  My personal observation is that the Europeans are well ahead of us in this medically correct and safety orientated approach to intensity prescription of exercise.  It is this correct medical approach that has been begging for implementation here in NZ. Fourteen years later (2008) the right Doctor with knowledge & motivation to champion this cause here is yet to be forthcoming!


To view larger image in viewer on your PC click here.

A close-up of a document

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2. This article posted here 26 Nov. 08 cited on-line at Wiley Interscience.


Interval versus continuous training in patients with severe COPD: a randomized clinical trial  Eur Respir J 1999; 14: 258–263.

R. Coppoolse*, A.M.W.j. Schols*, E.m. Baarends*, R. Mostert**, M.a. Akkermans**, P.p. Janssen**, E.F.m. Wouters*

**Astmacentre Hornerheide, and *Dept of Pulmonology, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

Correspondence: A.M.W.J. Schols
Dept of Pulmonology
P.O. Box 5800
6202 AZ Maastricht
The Netherlands
Fax: 31 433875051




Limited information is available regarding the physiological responses to different types of exercise training in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this study was two fold: firstly, to investigate the physiological response to training at 60% of achieved peak load in patients with severe COPD; and secondly to study the effects of interval (I) versus continuous (C) training in these patients.

Twenty-one patients with COPD (mean±SD forced expiratory volume in one second: 37±15% of predicted, normoxaemic at rest) were evaluated at baseline and after 8 weeks' training. Patients were randomly allocated to either I or C training. The training was performed on a cycle ergometer, 5 days a week, 30 min daily. The total work load was the same for both training programmes.

C training resulted in a significant increase in oxygen consumption (V 'O2) (17%, p<0.05) and a decrease in minute ventilation (V 'E)/V 'O2 (p<0.01) and V 'E/carbon dioxide production (V 'CO2) (p<0.05) at peak exercise capacity, while no changes in these measures were observed after interval training. During submaximal exercise a significant decrease was observed in lactic acid production, being most pronounced in the C-trained group (-31%, p<0.01 versus -20%, p<0.05). Only in the I-trained group did a significant increase in peak work load (17%, p<0.05) and a decrease in leg pain (p<0.05) occur. Training did not result in a significant improvement in lung function, but maximal inspiratory mouth pressure increased in both groups by 10% (C: p<0.05) and 23% (I: p<0.01).

The present study shows a different physiological response pattern to interval or continuous training in chronic obstruction pulmonary disease, which might be a reflection of specific training effects in either oxidative or glycolytic muscle metabolic pathways. Further work is required to determine the role of the different exercise programmes and the particular category of patients for whom this might be beneficial.




Equine Trainer & Veterinary



Allan Davie is probably the pre-eminent advocate in Australasia of effective training of race horses incorporating lactate testing.  The great value of his book is the simplicity of its explanation.  Anybody can use it to catapult the training of their horses into 21st Century method to earn positive performance improvements.


A book cover with a clock

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Price NZ$ relative to currency x-rate!


Bad news for heavy riders and narrow horses

March 3, 2008

Researchers in the US have bad news for overweight horse riders. A study has found that horses that have to carry between 25 and 30 per cent of their bodyweight have more physical problems related to exercise than those who carry 20 percent or less.

Horses carrying 30% body weight showed a significant increase in muscle soreness and muscle tightness scores. The changes were less marked when they carried 25% body weight.

Dr Debra Powell .... conducted a study ....performing a standardised ridden exercise test in an indoor school arena. After five minutes active walk to warm up, the horses were ridden at a trot (3m/s) for 4.8km, followed by 1.6km at a canter (5m/s). This exercise schedule was chosen to simulate a 45-minute work period of work typical of an intermediate-level riding school horse.

The researchers measured heart rate, plasma lactate concentration and creatine kinase. Lactate is produced in the muscles during exercise. At low levels of work the body can metabolise it and so levels in the plasma remain low. As the work level increases the rate of lactate production exceeds the body's ability to remove it and so concentrations rise. Creatine kinase (CK), an enzyme present in the muscles, is released into the blood as a result of some types of muscle damage.

... Plasma lactate levels were higher immediately after exercise and 10 minutes after end of exercise, in horses that carried 30% of their body weight....





Health, Fitness & Sport















NOTICE TO SERVICE PROVIDORS:  Opt in or out list!  Apologies if you are surprised to be not listed! This listing service has only been launched since Monday 3rd November 2008.  It is an opt-on, opt-off list.  That is, let me know if you want to be on it.  If your business or interests have changed, please let me know when you do not want referrals to continue.



School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences

Dr Chris Harvey (Exercise Metabolism)

Ph 022 067 9308

Services included but not limited to: Lactate analysis (LT1, LT2, 2mmol), VO2max; Efficiency or economy, substrate utilisation and energetics; Body composition, Bioimpedence (BIA), underwater weighing skinfolds; environmental acclimation, heat tolerance testing.

BM&S Product Services: Lactate Testing; TANITA InnerScan Segmental Body Composition Analysis.

Updated: Friday 8th September 2023.



SIT – School of Health Exercise & Recreation

Damian Tippen

Ph 211 2699 x 8744

BM&S Product Services: Lactate




NorthTec - Northland Polytechnic

Ady Ngawati

Ph 459 5241

Paul Sykes

Ph 459 5251

BM&S Product Services: Lactate

Preferred Clients:  Weight loss; Athletes – Metabolic assessment.




Mairangi Bay

Joe McQuillan

Millenium Institute of Sport & Health; TriathlonNZ Support Services

Ph 524 6957

BM&S Product Services: Lactate





Waikato Institute of Technology

Adrian Pooley

Ph 834 8800 x 8658; 021 1157 7457

BM&S Product Services: Lactate








Palmerston North

IFNHH Faculty, Massey University

Matt Barnes

Human Performance Lab

Ph 356 9099 x 7637

BM&S Product Services: Lactate Testing (LP)

Preferred Client:






Andrew Jamieson

Ph 0800 21 FitLab (21 348 522) ; 021 348 847

BM&S Product Services: Lactate; TANITA InnerScan Segmental Body Composition Analysis.



College of Education, University of Canterbury

Gavin Blackwell

Ph 345 8173

BM&S Product Services: Lactate; 


Canterbury University – Recreation Services

Stephen Rickerby

Ph 03 364 2987 x 8650

BM&S Product Services: Lactate



Sportbase Ltd

Sam Thompson

Ph 021 921 114

BM&S Product Services: Lactate Testing

Preferred Client:



Proactive Physiotherapy Ltd

Sonya Anderson

Ph 03 442 7667

BM&S Product Services: Lactate Testing; TANITA InnerScan Segmental Body Composition Analysis.

Preferred Client:








Go to… (directory!)

take a look at full-range of NZ’s top-selling, top-quality, scales, health and fitness products

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling InnerScan Bathroom scale

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling standard Bathroom scale

take a look here at NZ’s top-selling Kitchen scale

take a look here at NZ’s most sophisticated but simple to use personal health & fitness promoting “BIA” scale, the RD-953 Supreme

You are here!

take a look here at a variety of great products, mostly NZ-made

take a look here at articles, our news and announcements including exceptional offers: You could WIN what you want just by “liking” our page!


Top of page






…old notices:

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Archived statements are superseded and likely not relevant, especially in terms of price deals. E.g. discount price offers will not be current with no recourse or discussion on old pricing accepted.




Updated: Friday, 1st August 2024.



Important Announcements


New shipment “early-bird” deals EXTENDED to Saturday 31st August


Shipment arrived a month ago

All back-orders out within 2 days

About Ľ of our high-use customer-users are away in Paris.

“Early-bird” deals EXTENDED

Decided to give our highest performing customers time to get back and re-stock at the advantage of cut-rate deals that will be replaced 1st September by substantial price increases.


We have advantaged NZ with world’s best prices for a very long time, 27 years! This needs end while we find a successor after a long dedication to that advantage to sport and tertiary academic research with low-cost lactate testing. We deserve a decent return as we prepare to move on.

A note on pricing included with orders up to 31st August will highlight how dramatic has been the cost savings to NZ with price comparison to overseas!


This could be the last “early-bird” cut-rate price deals EVER.

A new distributor may not ever see that as sensible.


So, especially to this year’s enquiring procrastinators this very likely is THE LAST CHANCE TO GET YOURSELF THE BEST DEAL EVER!


Order to 




Monday, 14th August 2023.



Standing Notice:

Ř Google GMAIL:

Standing notice, at least until and if ever Google stop their anti-business hostile nonsense:  Original notice, 10th July 2023.  This update 14 August 2023.


Please if at all possible DO NOT contact us using gmail.

Gmail has become a nightmare of timewasting for us this year, and I’m hearing this also for many other NZ small businesses (and I suspect it is all over the world!). I see where Google have been taken to Court in the EU for anti-competitive business practises.

What happens is that you send us a gmail and we reply to soon-after receive mail back that our reply to you has been blocked. It is outrageous that they are playing ignorant that our message is a REPLY to you. When I get this blocked notice I’m forced to do a forward of my reply to you via a personal “hotmail” address!


We get a lot of mail and with this essentially malicious mechanism Google are running it is difficult to track whether we’ve done justice to all correspondence with everyone. I try! But my feeling is that some may have emailed to us and maybe have not got a reply!


Please use a “Hotmail” address, or get yourself a Microsoft “Outlook” account, or other “domain” (work-place) email address, and also preferably DO NOT use a “yahoo” address, they’re another nightmare for other reasons!


If you have to use gmail, a reply will either turnup later via my personal “Hotmail” or you might not get one at all. Options are to try again or use Facebook Messenger (which however, we only periodically monitor, so maybe slow to get a response!)


Thanks so much for your help in anticipation that you can adapt to this.








Saturday, 1st June 2024.



Below Are Two Most Important

Announcements we’ve ever made!


1.  This NZ Arkray LactatePro2 Distributorship is FOR SALE:


“The time has come,” the Walrus said …


36 years self-employed, including 27 years the NZ distributor of Arkray Global’s world leading LactatePro and LactatePro2, this owner of BM&S wants to retire. And we feel it is well due time having had a great run, but as well it is well deserved that Arkray have fresh blood to invigorate the existing brand dominance we’ve created here: To bring fresh energy with perhaps more market penetration on top of what is well established.


We believe we have a very reasonable fair purchase value in mind that also takes account of these current stark recessionary times.


Two stage process:

1.     First your expression of interest to us to be followed by your first application that needs to satisfy us your capability to meet requirements.

2.     Second application to Arkray Global that we assist you with.

NOTE: This LP2 single product distributorship component of our business BM&S Imports IS NOT a stand-alone business. You should already have a business whereby Arkray LP2 becomes a new income stream added to it. That is, it will work profitably very well for you as an additive product if you already have your known fixed costs of operating a business in NZ covered and accounted for by an existing business. i.e. Such standard things to be already covered by your biz as premises rental, company vehicle, power, phones, insurance, etc already paid for by existing business.


Essentially any enquiry (expression of interest) with a view to use this single distributorship as your start-up for a new business will almost be guaranteed not to be considered.




Enquiries to: with “Expression of Interest” in the “Subject” panel.



2.  Pre shipment landing “early-bird deals” on again NOW!


METERS and test strips (sensors) are at now what will be CUT RATE DEAL come shipment landing by July with offer ending July.


Beat the price rise of +14%!


We cannot hold our prices down any longer, slammed everywhere we turn like everyone else with costs to business and cost of living. Just got another courier co. cost hike yesterday. Additionally, we have now woken up to see the x-rate adjusted price that most are paying overseas is equivalent to NZ$144 pp (25)! You know we have never charged anything like that. So! …conclusion is we can no longer sustain survival pricing levels.


All those enquiries we have had that are still procrastinating over METER purchase the deal now will never be better. NOW is the time.


The “early-bird deal” is …

You must ORDER and pay BEFORE the shipment gets here (before 1st July).


EMAIL now to enquire of “the deal”: .


3.  ETD new shipments of METERS and long expiry strips is LATE JUNE backorders out early July!


Estimate only. It is Olympic Year!










4. Sport Science Services

– NZ-wide LP2 Test provider listing update:


We are pleased to confirm a listing update today for Dr Chris Harvey of University of Otago, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Dunedin.


The revised entry looks like this below:



School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences

Dr Chris Harvey (Exercise Metabolism)

Ph 022 067 9308

Services included but not limited to: Lactate analysis (LT1, LT2, 2mmol), VO2max; Efficiency or economy, substrate utilisation and energetics; Body composition, Bioimpedance (BIA), underwater weighing skinfolds; environmental acclimation, heat tolerance testing.

BM&S Product Services: Lactate Testing; TANITA InnerScan Segmental Body Composition Analysis.

Updated: Friday 8th September 2023.


Ř Apology that we’re behind in our work which includes verifying and updating who is still offering public LP2 testing services remainder 2023.

Ř As we go through the old list verifying services, we’ll be adding an “Updated” date to each entry so that you will have some idea how current or old a listing is!




Look for a service in your area and contact them NOW!

Jump to the list (… being mindful that it may have an obsolete contact nearest you!): Click here!










Tuesday, 14th February 2023.


Edited: 19/4/2023.


Foreseeable Office Closures 2023



We are CLOSED Thursday and Friday, 16th and 17th February.



We are CLOSED Friday 17th through Tuesday 21st March

Includes Otago Anniversary Long Weekend!



We are CLOSED for near THREE WEEKS from Wednesday 3rd May through Monday 22nd May INCLUSIVE.

That is, next full-day open for business will be Tuesday 23rd May.


Best order strategy with our planned away periods this year and inevitable stock run-outs due to supply chain issues is to plan your purchasing well-before you need them. Best to order now, early, when you do not know when you need them!  The other matter is that we have evermore institutional and national organisations who are big buyers that can have the effect on our stock of seeming we have plenty for months on one day, to having to stretch out the remainder by rationing to everyone else the next day, with 2 months before the next delivery! If you are low or out right now, order now. They keep well in the fridge for years and I have used them well after expiry to find them reliable for 2 years post-expiry which is when I ran out of them! So, who knows how long “expired” can be good for!  We just ask not to use expired in publishable research as happened in Australia some years back creating a debacle!


Help us to help you, order early, today! 😉








Tuesday, 12th May 2020



New lactate test tidbit below!


Janssen again from p 66


The classic table of lactate pulse-rate “work” (training type) prescription …


Scroll down or click here!






Monday, 4th April 2016


We are still looking for a few more “On-sellers” (retailers) in various areas around NZ: Contact us:

Email (click here!)